This little black rain cloud of a British Lit. paper has been moping over me for a while now. And the more it loomed, the more I panicked. The more I panicked, the more writing paralysis settled. The more writing paralysis settled, the more I panicked. You get the picture. I went round and round: I have nothing to intelligent to say! What am I going to say! I cannot analyse any more! I cannot read another Auden poem! Can't I just go live with the gypsies for the rest of the semester! (I still feel this would solve a lot of problems. Gypsy life, that is. Bonfires. Dangly earrings. Sleeping in a wagon. And "caravan" is such a cool word. I digress.)
But today, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth and even resorting to an online personality taste as a time-wasting measure, I took my little self to the Third Floor of the Library. Where nooobody talks and all the serious science majors go to look haggard over their enormous books. Away from the computer. Away from chocolate. And it was just me and Auden and Yeats and girded up our loins and plowed through it for a while.
Then. Oh, then. I went to the food court for the 2nd hour of pain and found companionship and hope for the future in sixteen ounces of a Pumpkin Spice cafe au lait. It sat by me and held my hand while I did some awesome close reading and covered pages in scrawled notes and even got excited to the point of notes like "the BIRDS in 'Sailing to Byzantium' and 'The Shield of Achilles'!!!!!!!!".
And now, I am going to take a walk. A very long walk. A very long walk to get out all the caffeine and excitement and relief that I actually have something semi-intelligent to say. BREATHE. Ahhh.
I love both your posts.
god is at work in you....His mercies are too numerous to count.
You're not your mother, but I have thought about joining the gypsies!
breeeeeeathe!!!!! O_o
My newest mantra, observe above ^
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