Friday, November 21, 2008

Return of the prodigal

It is Friday and I am wearing a pink sweater. What more have I to ask?

Today, children, I am going to write about my brother Jim. I was already planning on a post on him (because he doesn't read this blog and so why not?) and this very day two things happened that made it very apropos:
1. I woke up with a tear-streaked face because I had one of those dreams where a family member dies and this time it was Jim, and for some reason a person was interviewing me about it, and the more I talked the harder I cried and it felt like I would never stop crying. Whew. Yes, I was glad to wake up.
2. Then I had an unexpected visit from him this afternoon, and we went to Moe's because he hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch (oh the collegiate life). Jim brings out my uninhibited side to the point of embarrassment, and while he told me stories I laughed until tears ran down my face, right there in the Moe's booth (yep, lots of weeping today). 

So all this made me think about him and the different roles he plays. You see, because there are only the two of us children, we have to make up for the lack of siblings. Hence, I am about five different sisters to him, and he has been about fifteen brothers to me. I will highlight three.

The Older Brother. This is the protective-voice-of-reason Jim. He irons his shirts. He drives a stick shift. It makes me feel naive and innocent and very un-muscular, and goes something like this:
Anna: So I was at Reed's bookstore, and -
Jim: Anna, don't go to downtown Birmingham by yourself. That's dangerous. 
Anna: I wasn't by myself, I -
Jim: I mean, go with a boy big enough to protect you. 

The Baby Brother: This is the over-grown five year old who knows he can get most things he wants by being endearing and making me laugh. He turns mad cartwheels in the yard, and sends me papers to edit at 11 the night before they're due, and pelts me with M&Ms from the 2nd floor landing, and asks me lots of questions:
"Anna, can you help me with my Spanish homework?"
"Anna, can you loan me $200 to buy a gun?"
Um, no. 

The Twin: My favorite Jim, because the corners of our brain that our exactly alike emerge. We talk about music, and find that we have (independent of each other) discovered the same artist. Or he will mutter some Simpsons' quote and we both break into raucous laughter. Or we talk about actual quasi-deep issues approaching the surface of Meaning of Life (we're getting there). I like this Jim because we are equals and partners in crime and - gasp - something like friends. 

Conclusion: I love my brother. We're going to watch Mystery Science Theatre 3000 next week! And trade music! And run around like crazy people with the dog! Is Thanksgiving here yet? Sigh.

Obsession of the month: Aldi's. As in the wholesale grocery store. I like it. I like it a lot. They sell FiberOne bars for nearly half the regular price. And you have to put in a quarter to get a shopping cart, so I get to take my own bags. And yogurt is 43 cents and it's pretty much amazing all around. Just . . . don't go there after dark. 


Kim said...

Oh my dear, oh my dear. I love the way that you write. I always smile when I see that you have posted.
I miss Aldi's so very much (not one in MS at all-strike that- I think there's ONE in NE MS somewhere, just not HERE). You must try... Peppercorn Ranch Chips (they are in a black bag and I can't remember the maker). They are so very delicious.

Kait said...

JIM! Oh Jim's the best. I miss hanging out with him...

We're so blessed with wonderful brothers!

anna said...

I've always been happy with multiple sisters, but you make me want a brother.