Sunday, December 28, 2008

Four calling birds

Hello, darling people. I hope that you had the merriest of Christmases. Mine was spent loading and unloading countless dishwasher cycles, prancing around in my rapturous cherry-covered pink apron, and threading two young cousins through barbwire fences. 

Yes. On my mother's side of the family, I am the lone girl cousin in the Golden Horde of seven boys. Ages 6-22. This makes me very happy because it's just like Rose in Eight Cousins, the Lousia May Alcott book. And I've learned the secret of living with so many boys: do not try to control. Do not try to make them use napkins or stop playing video games. Just laugh. And enjoy them. Because they are much more fun than girls. And when their sense of humor gets a little too kindergarten - go drink coffee with the grownups. 

In other news: hardwood floors are beautiful. And treacherous (just like the Spares' album, which you should go buy right now!). I.E., I am a klutz. I fall walking up the stairs. I fall walking down the stairs.  I fall carrying laundry baskets. I fall vacuuming the library. Sometimes I fall walking across a room, just for the heck of it. 
My legs collect more bruises every week. It's good for them to have a hobby. 

Three days ago, I was very excited about my Nesting sleep method, which consists of piling blankets on top of a made bed and cocooning in them. Very similar to the Tent method, if you'll cast your minds back to October. No bed to make up in the morning. The comfort of swaddling. But now the enchantment has passed and I'm ready for a return to cold hard sheets. 

Current book affairs: 
1. Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
2. The Moviegoer - Walker Percy
3. Shakespeare: The World as Stage - Bill Bryson
4. The Complete Stories - Flannery O'Connor
5. What's So Amazing About Grace? - Philip Yancey

Break Notables to Date:
1. Watch Lars for the 3rd time. Fall asleep right after bowling with Margo. I think the infatuation has settled into a comfortable liking. And I own it now, too. 
2. Spend time with Jim. We took a drive to Anniston today just so he could introduce me to Radiohead. Five bucks of gas = totally worth it for music time with my brother. 
3. Making my way through the latest season of The Office. 
4. Hanging out with Kait and planning our post-college lives in Nashville. Now I want to write for this magazine
5. Receiving an affectionate bodyslam from the Sweet Dog every day. 

The Once and Future To-Do List:
1. 2 interviews. 2 articles. Eeek.
2. Texas this Thursday(!)
3. Drink more water and less coffee. (Except I got two bags of Stumptown for Christmas . . .)
4. St. Louis the next Thursday(!)
5. And Utah the Tuesday after that(!)

1 comment:

Kait said...

Radiohead. My second truest love after Muse. Radiohead....hmmmmm everything in one.

Writing for Songwriters mag is a definite workable goal! :)

Thank you for the wonderful visit, Anne dear.