Sunday, October 10, 2010

what's lost

Sometimes, sad things happen.

I know. Understatement of the century. I'm an English major, but with all the poetry and gorgeous literature in the world, still simple language serves us best sometimes.

Thirteen days ago, the Sweet Dog was hit by a car. He's alive, I don't know how. Only the vet couldn't save his right hind leg, so now Mo is home and learning how to get around again.

It feels foolish to grieve over an injured dog. You don't know how people are going to take it, because obviously it's a lot bigger deal to us than them. I mean, we make fun of the folks who take their animals too seriously. I'm not a blindly infatuated animal person, I promise.

But. It's sad.

And the whole time I've been home has been a rapid wash of two emotions: the sadness of seeing a more subdued Mo learn how to live on three legs. And the gladness and sheer wonder that he's still here and still with us. I guess this is our existence, yes? The rebellion at the way things go wrong - he should still have all four legs. Sweet dumb Mo was not meant to live this way. And the grace in the way things go right - he also should be dead. But he isn't. He's ok and he's healing and I'm awfully glad this crazy dog is still here to lick my face and chase more balls.

And if it's only autumn and the desire for security and rest and hope that keeps me from turning away from these words in bitterness - well then, I'll take it.

Only love can turn this around
I wake up dreaming
Everything we've lost can be found
We'll wake up dreaming
-Over the Rhine


Erin said...

oh my gosh! Mosby!!! that is most definitely really really sad. I'm so sorry! At the same time, I'm really impressed he can walk on 3 legs...

thetalkingmouse said...

so, so true.

anna said...

oh Anna! I'm so sad & sorry to hear this! and so glad Mo is still here! And yes, glad that he seems to be getting around okay, but still so sad! Please give him my warmest greetings!