Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hemp and Hashbrowns

My flip-flop disintegrated off my left foot when I was walking to the library. I have gone barefoot ever since. 

Mainly due to Step-Sing practice. But I did have to trod shoeless all the way back to the dorm. And it actually felt pretty good to walk barefoot in the sun after four hideous days of iceberg weather. But I took the long way back, so nobody would see my descent into hippie-dom. 

It didn't help that I was wearing pigtails. 

This has been an odd week. My hard drive crashed and I lost everything. All my music and documents and photos. And I've surprised myself with a calm acceptance. Jim and I trade music to the point that I can rebuild my library from his collection. Most of my important papers exist somewhere on a thumb drive or hard copy. And I spent the summer scrapbooking my favorite photos. So I'm sure I'll keep discovering things to miss, but on the whole - it's ok. 

Step-Sing has crossed the fun line into utter exhaustion. I'm staying sort of frantic over the internship articles. I poured my soul into a letter begging the Dean to give me $2000 so I can research "Poetry and American Culture" with Dr. Steward this summer. I can deal with all those things and be fine, but then the slightest misunderstanding with a friend will leave me crying in a bathroom somewhere. Crying in the bathroom is my favorite new activity. You should try it sometime. I prefer the Divinity School after hours, because there's no one around and you can weep til the world looks better. 

Ahh. Catharsis. 

In other news, I made my required Waffle House run last night.  WaHo is my drug of choice for difficult sorority things, like all day Step-Sing practices (which I do not begrudge. I want a good show). Mostly I just needed people, for goodness' sake. And Lee and Erin and Michael and Stephen met that need most admirably. Thank you, dear friends, for making me laugh and putting up with my neurotic self and just being really cool people.

Also I discovered that Waffle House will make your biscuit extra crispy if you ask. Nicely. 

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