Thursday, July 31, 2008

Who will sing me lullabies?

I'm sitting here in the (mostly) dark, guided only by the glow of the computer screen and the lightning through the window. It has been a good day. 

I'm not sure why. I'll take it anyway. I worked, went to Mr. Carter's Amazing Poetry and Lit. Theory Class, and tutored a football player. (Insert slight sigh about the last part. I can help someone organize their thoughts. I cannot think their thoughts for them). 

Excitement: I've discovered a way to feed my baking addiction without feeding my sugar addiction: taking food to work. I started today with chocolate zucchini muffins (moist and cinnamon: yes. In need of chocolate chips or nuts: emphatic yes). It made me happy. So did writing a poem about an argument. I like conflict resolution. Rather, I like the feeling that comes after conflict resolution (thank you, roomie). 

And when I got home, Mom and I went blueberry picking. We pick at the same place every year, and this year of our Lord two thousand and eight, the kind blueberry lady announced that we could pick for free. F.R.E.E. (I have inherited my mother's obsessive love of anything gratis.) So we went and picked berries in the calm of the summer evening and now I feel like Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'm ready to go West, young woman, marry my rugged farmer husband and pick berries while I balance a rosy-cheeked baby on my hip. 

In other news, I was washing my face the other day when I *happened* to realize: repentance is not a grueling duty to perform. It is love, pure love on God's part, drawing us back from what destroys to give us life - Himself. Now if only I could make my heart understand. 

Song of the Day: "Canaan's Land" - Kate Rusby
Yorkshire singer + old English folk songs = perfection

To Canaan's land I'm on my way
Where the soul of man never dies
Where all my nights will turn to day
And the soul of man never dies


Laura said...

Free blueberries -- Aden would be ecstatic! So what are you planning to bake with those?

Rachel said...

thoughts on repentance:
1. only God can provide us repentance. need we be reminded that our hearts are dead apart from Him?
2. in repentance we find fullness of joy, because it is the work of Christ in our hearts, through whom our joy is made complete.
3. repentance, as you said, is no chore. quite the opposite. may God remind us every day that repentance is a fragment of the riches He has lavished upon us. what a privilage it is to repent!

also, i wouldn't complain if you tried making some sweets that are gluton-free. i'm just saying...